Torxakis help¶
The output of the help
command in the TorXakis
command line interface:
$ torxakis
TXS >> TorXakis :: Model-Based Testing
TXS >> txsserver starting: "localhost" : 63980
TXS >> Solver "z3" initialized : Z3 [4.8.10]
TXS >> TxsCore initialized
TXS >> LPEOps version 2019.07.05.02
TXS >> input files parsed:
TXS >> []
TXS >> help
TXS >>
TorXakis :: Model-Based Testing
quit, q : stop TorXakis completely
exit, x : exit the current command run of TorXakis
help, h, ? : show help
info, i : show info on TorXakis
param [<parameter>] : show value of <parameter>/[all parameters]
param <parameter> <value> : set <parameter> to <value>
echo <text> : echo <text>
# <text> : comment : <text> is ignored
seed <n> : set random seed to <n>
delay <n> : delay TorXakis for <n> seconds
time : give the current time
timer <name> : set or read timer <name>
run <file> : run the torxakis script from <file>
var <variable-declarations> : declare variables
val <value-definitions> : define values
eval <value-expression> : evaluate the (closed) <value-expression>
solve <value-expression> : solve the (open, boolean) <value-expression>
unisolve <value-expression> : solve (uniquely) the (open, boolean) <value-expression>
'unsat': 0, 'sat': 1, 'unknown': >1 or unknown solution
tester <mod> [<purp>] [<map>] <cnect> : start testing with model <mod> and connection <cnect>
using possible test purpose <purp> and/or mapper <map>
simulator <mod> <cnect> : start simulating with model <mod> and connection <cnect>
stepper <mod> : start stepping with model <mod>
stop : stop testing, simulation, or stepping
test <action> : make a test step identified by (visible) input <action>
test : make a test step by observing output/quiescence
test <n> : make <n> random test steps
sim [<n>] : make <n>/[unbounded] random simulation steps
step <action> : make a step identified by <action>
step [<n>] : make <n>/[one] random steps
show <object> : show <object> :
tdefs, state, model, purp, mapper, cnect, var, or val
state : show current state number
btree [<state>] : show <state>/[current] behaviour tree
goto [<state>] : goto <state>/[current] state number in the model
back [<n>] : go back <n>/[one] visible steps in the model state
path : show the visible path from the initial state
trace [proc|purp] : show the current trace [in PROCDEF|PURPDEF] format]
menu [in|out|purp] [<state>] : give the [in|out] menu of actions of [current] <state>
ncomp : test purpose generation via `N-Complete'-algorithm
lpe : lpe transformation (Linear Process Equation)
lpeop <op> <lpe> <out> : apply lpe operation <op> to model <lpe> and produce output named <out>
stop -> do nothing
show -> print the lpe to console
export -> generate torxakis file (do not change identifiers)
export* -> generate compilable torxakis file
mcrl2 -> translate to mCRL2 specification file
clean -> remove duplicate/unreachable summands
cstelm -> remove parameters that never change value
parelm -> remove behavior-independent parameters
istepelm -> remove ISTEP actions (preserve weak bisimulation)
datareset -> reset parameters based on control flow graphs
parreset -> reset parameters based on summand reachability
isdet -> determine if the lpe is deterministic
det -> make the lpe deterministic
uguard -> add guards for underspecified summands
angelic -> make the lpe input-enabled (angelic completion)
A->B -> do two lpe operations in succession
loop -> repeat lpe operations until a fixpoint is reached
loop*x -> loop lpe operations x times or until a fixpoint is reached
merge <mod1> <mod2> <out> : put two models in parallel and save it as a new model
systart <name> <command> : start external system <command> with internal <name>
systop <name> : stop external command with internal <name>
<command> '$<' <file> : read command arguments from <file>
<command> args '$>' <file> : write standard output of <command> to <file>
<command> args '$>>' <file> : append standard output of <command> to <file>