Testing with predetermined input¶
We can also tell TorXakis to use predetermined input data for testing. For this, we can make use of Test Purposes. We’ll define a process that communicates Person data and resulting boolean at each step, then we’ll add as many steps as we want for our predetermined input, and then we’ll use this process in our Test Purpose.
Let’s create a PurposeExamples.txs file and define that process and write some test data with expected results:
PROCDEF examples [ In :: Person; Out :: Bool ] () HIT ::=
In ! Person( Male, "Mickey", "Mouse", 13, 1 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Donald", "Duck", 13, 3 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Luuk", "Laar", 24, 12 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Shakira", "Ripoll", 2, 2 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Michael", "Buble", 9, 9 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Imke", "Laar", 7, 7 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Huey", "Duck", 17, 10 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Dewey", "Duck", 17, 10 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Louie", "Duck", 17, 10 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Mickey", "Mouse", 13, 1 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Donald", "Duck", 13, 3 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Female, "April", "Duck", 15, 5 )
>-> Out ! True
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Beatrix", "Oranje", 31, 1 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Maxima", "Zorreguieta", 17, 5 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Amalia", "Oranje", 7, 12 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Alexia", "Oranje", 26, 6 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Female, "Ariane", "Oranje", 10, 4 )
>-> Out ! False
>-> In ! Person( Male, "Willem", "Oranje", 27, 4 )
>-> Out ! True
Mind the HIT keyword on first line. This keyword is necessary in order to use it as a Goal in the Test Purpose definition below.
Now we should make sure the generated input for our SUT is synchronized with what this process communicates to the channels. Let’s define the Test Purpose for this:
PURPDEF PurposeExamples ::=
GOAL examples ::= examples [In,Out] ()
Defining the Goal of the Test Purpose with examples process effectively forces the Persons in examples process to be communicated through In channel to SUT and expects the output in Out channel to match whatever is defined in examples process.
Now we can use this Test Purpose to test SUT with our predetermined inputs.
Start the SUT: run the Java program in a command window.
$> java LuckyPeople
Start TorXakis: run the TorXakis with the LuckyPeople model and PurposeExamples test purpose in another command window.
$> torxakis LuckyPeople.txs PurposeExamples.txs
Set the Model, Test Purpose and SUT for testing: In TorXakis type the following commands:
tester Model PurposeExamples Sut
Test the SUT with predetermined inputs. We have 18 persons, which means we need 36 steps. But TorXakis occasionally adds some Quiescence steps in between, so let’s run TorXakis for 50 steps instead. In TorXakis type the following command:
test 50
TXS >> .....1: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Mickey","Mouse",13,1) ] ) } }
TXS >> .....2: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> .....3: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> .....4: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Donald","Duck",13,3) ] ) } }
TXS >> .....5: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> .....6: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> .....7: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Luuk","Laar",24,12) ] ) } }
TXS >> .....8: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> .....9: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....10: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Shakira","Ripoll",2,2) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....11: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....12: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....13: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Michael","Buble",9,9) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....14: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....15: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Imke","Laar",7,7) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....16: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....17: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....18: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Huey","Duck",17,10) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....19: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....20: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....21: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Dewey","Duck",17,10) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....22: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....23: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Louie","Duck",17,10) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....24: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....25: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....26: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Mickey","Mouse",13,1) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....27: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....28: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....29: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Donald","Duck",13,3) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....30: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....31: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"April","Duck",15,5) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....32: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....33: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Beatrix","Oranje",31,1) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....34: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....35: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....36: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Maxima","Zorreguieta",17,5) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....37: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....38: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....39: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Amalia","Oranje",7,12) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....40: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....41: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> ....42: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Alexia","Oranje",26,6) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....43: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....44: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Female,"Ariane","Oranje",10,4) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....45: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ False ] ) } }
TXS >> ....46: IN: Act { { ( In, [ Person(Male,"Willem","Oranje",27,4) ] ) } }
TXS >> ....47: OUT: Act { { ( Out, [ True ] ) } }
TXS >> ....48: OUT: No Output (Quiescence)
TXS >> Goal examples: Hit
Next: Lucky based on gender