Synchronized Operator¶
process1 || process2
process1 and process2 are executed while synchronized over all channels, including EXIT.
When both processes have exited then the synchronized composition exits.
The statement
Channel1_Int ? x
Channel1_Int ? y
describes the process with two sub processes that are synchronized
over all channels.
Since both sub processes want to communicate over Channel1_Int,
communication is possible.
After that communication has occurred x and y contain the same value,
since both communications have exited, the synchronized composition
Constrained communication¶
The statement
Channel1_Int ? x [[ x >= 10 ]]
Channel1_Int ? y [[ y <= 20 ]]
describes the process with two sub processes that are synchronized
over all channels.
Since both sub processes want to communicate over Channel1_Int and
both constraints can be simultaneously satisfied, communication is
After that communication has occurred x and y contain the same value
in the range [10,20]
and, since both communications have exited, the synchronized
composition exits.
The statement
Channel1_Int ? x
Channel2_Int ? y
describes the process with two sub processes that are synchronized
over all channels.
Since one sub process wants to communicate the variable x over
Channel1_Int and
the other sub process wants to communicate the variable y over another
channel, Channel2_Int,
communication under the synchronization constraint is not possible,
i.e., the process is in