Model-Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems¶
Labelled transition systems¶
Labelled transition systems (LTS) and
its variants constitute a powerful semantic model for describing and
reasoning about dynamic, reactive systems. An LTS is a structure
consisting of states with transitions, labelled with actions, between
them. The states model the states of the system; the labelled
transitions model the actions that a system can perform. Actions can be
inputs, outputs, or internal steps of the system. LTS-based testing
theory has developed over the years from a theory-oriented approach for
defining LTS equivalences to a theory that forms a sound basis for real
testing and industrially viable testing tools. In this section we first
sketch the evolution of LTS-based testing theory and then describe to
what extent TorXakis
uses this theory.
Testing equivalences¶
Testing theory for LTS started with using testing to formalize the notion of behavioural equivalence for LTS. Two LTSs show equivalent behaviour if there is no test that can observe the difference between them. By defining appropriate formalizations for test and observation this led to the theory of testing equivalences and preorders for LTS [R23]. Different equivalences can then be defined by choosing different formalizations of test and observation: more powerful testers lead to stronger equivalences, and the other way around. In the course of the years, many such variations were investigated, with testers that can observe the occurrence of actions, the refusal of actions, or the potentiality of doing actions, testers that can undo actions, that can make copies of the system state, or that can repeat tests indefinitely. Comparative concurrency semantics systematically compares these and other equivalences and preorders defined over LTS [R1, 32, 33, 46, 53]. Crucial in these equivalences is the notion of non-determinism, i.e., that after doing an action in an LTS the subsequent state is not uniquely determined. For deterministic systems almost all equivalences coincide [R28].
Test generation¶
Whereas the theory of testing equivalences and preorders is used to define semantic relations over LTS using all possible tests, actual testing turns this around: given an LTS s (the specification) and a relation imp over LTS (the implementation relation), determine a (minimal) set of tests p imp (s) that characterizes all implementations i with i imp s, i.e., i passes p imp (s) iff i imp s.
First steps towards systematically constructing such a test suite (sets of tests) from a specification LTS led to the canonical tester theory for the implementation relation conf [R16]. The intuition of conf is that after traces, i.e., sequences of actions, that are explicitly specified in the specification LTS, the implementation LTS shall not unexpectedly refuse actions, i.e., the implementation may only refuse a set of actions if the specification can refuse this set, too. This introduces under-specification, in two ways. First, after traces that are not in the specification LTS, anything is allowed in the implementation. Second, the implementation may refuse less than the specification.
Inputs and outputs¶
The canonical tester theory and its variants
make an important assumption about the communication between the
and the tester, viz. that this communication is synchronous and
symmetric. Each communication event is seen as a joint action of the
and the tester, inspired by the parallel composition in process
algebra. This also means that both the tester and the sut
can block
the communication, and thus stop the other from progressing. In
practice, however, it is different: actual communication between an
and a tester takes place via inputs and outputs. Inputs are
initiated by the tester, they trigger the sut
, and they cannot be
refused by the sut
. Outputs are produced by the sut
, and they
are observed and cannot be refused by the tester.
A first approach to a testing theory with inputs and outputs was
developed by interpreting each action as either input or output, and by
modelling the communication medium between sut
and tester
explicitly as a queue [R63]. Later this was generalized by just assuming
that inputs cannot be refused by the sut
– the sut
is assumed to
be input-enabled, i.e., in each state there is a transition for all
input actions – and outputs cannot be refused by the tester, akin to
I/O-automata [R48]. Adding these assumptions to the concepts of the
canonical tester theory and conf – refusal sets of the
implementation shall be refusal sets of the specification, but only for
explicitly specified traces – leads to a new implementation relation
that was coined ioconf [R60]. The assumptions that the
cannot refuse inputs and the tester cannot refuse outputs makes
that the only relevant refusal that remains is refusing all possible
outputs by the sut
, which is called quiescence [R64]. Intuitively,
quiescence corresponds to observing that there is no output of the
, which is an important observation in testing theory as well as
in practical testing.
Implementation relation ioco¶
In ioconf the test will stop after
observing quiescence, i.e., during each test run quiescence occurs at
most once, as the last observation. Phalippou noticed that in practical
testing quiescence is observed as a time-out during which no output from
the sut
is observed, and that after such a time-out testing
continues with providing a next input to the sut
, so that quiescence
can occur multiple times during a test run [R52]. Inspired by this
observation, repetitive quiescence was added to ioconf, leading to
the implementation relation ioco
(i nput-o utput-co nformance) [R61] [R62]. Theoretically,
ioco is akin to failure-trace preorder with inputs and outputs [R46].
Intuitively, ioco expresses that an sut
conforms to its
specification if the sut
never produces an output that cannot be
produced by the specification in the same situation, i.e., after the
same trace. Quiescence is treated as a special, virtual output,
actually expressing the absence of real outputs, which is observed in
practice as a time-out during which no output from the sut
observed. A small modification to ioco is the weaker implementation
relation uioco [R8], where not the outputs after all traces are
considered, but only after those traces where inputs in the trace cannot
be refused. The relation uioco was shown to enjoy much nicer
mathematical properties and to deal more accurately with
under-specification [R43].
The ioco and uioco-implementation relations support partial
models, under-specification, abstraction, and non-determinism. The
testability hypothesis is that an sut
is assumed to be modelled as
an inputenabled LTS, that is, any input to the implementation is
accepted in every state. Specifications are not necessarily
input-enabled. Inputs that are not accepted in a specification state are
considered to be underspecified: no behaviour is specified for such
inputs, implying that any behaviour is allowed in the sut
. Models
that only specify behaviour for a small, selected set of inputs are
partial models. Abstraction is supported by modelling actions or
activities of systems as internal steps, without giving any details.
Non-deterministic models may result from such internal steps, from
having transitions from the same state labelled with the same action, or
having states with multiple outputs (output non-determinism).
Non-determinism leads to having a set of possible, expected outputs
after a sequence of actions, and not just a single expected output. The
is required to implement at least one of these outputs, but not
all of them, thus supporting implementation freedom.
For ioco and uioco-testing, there are test generation algorithms
that are proved to be sound – all ioco/uioco-correct
s pass all generated tests – and exhaustive – all
ioco/uioco-incorrect sut
s are eventually detected by some
generated test. Consequently, the ioco and uioco-testing theory
constitutes, on the one hand, a well-defined theory of model-based
testing, whereas, on the other hand, it forms the basis for various
practical MBT tools. In particular, the implementation relation ioco
is the basis for a couple of MBT tools, such as TGV
[R44], the
Agedis Tool Set
[R35], TorX
[R6], JTorX
[R5], Uppaal-Tron [R38],
TESTOR [R49], Axini Test Manager (ATM) [R3] [R9], and TorXakis
A couple of variations have been proposed for ioco and uioco, such as mioco for multiple input and output channels [R37], wioco that diminishes the requirements on input enabledness [R66], various variants of timed-ioco [R15] [R38] [R45], qioco for quantitative testing [R10], and sioco for LTS with data [R29] [R30].
The ioco/uioco-testing theory for labelled transition systems mainly deals with the dynamic aspects of system behaviour, i.e., with state-based control flow. The static aspects, such as data structures, their operations, and their constraints, which are part of almost any real system, are not covered. Symbolic Transition Systems (STS) add (infinite) data and data-dependent control flow, such as guarded transitions, to LTS, founded on first order logic [R29] [R30]. Symbolic ioco (sioco) lifts ioco to the symbolic level. The semantics of STS and sioco is given directly in terms of LTS; STS and sioco do not add expressiveness but they provide a way of representing and manipulating large and infinite transition systems symbolically.
is rooted in the ioco-testing theory for
labelled transition systems. Its implementation relation is ioco and
the testability hypothesis is that an sut
is assumed to be modelled
as an input-enabled LTS. Test generation is sound for ioco and in
the exhaustive, i.e., any non-conforming sut
will eventually, after
unbounded time, be detected. TorXakis
implements the ioco-test
generation algorithm for symbolic transition systems, and it uses a
process-algebraic modelling language Txs
inspired by the language
LOTOS [R11] [R42], which is supplemented with an algebraic data-type
specification formalism.