Synchronized Channels Operator



ProcessBehaviour|[" channelName ("," channelName)\* "]|ProcessBehaviour




process1 |[ ChanA, ChanB ]| process2

process1 and process2 are executed while synchronized over the channels A and B, and EXIT.
When both processes have exited then the synchronized channels operator exits.

Each channel name must refer to a channel defined in the scope of this operator.


Describe the externally observable communication behaviour of the following instance of a synchronized channels operator.

    ChannelId2 ? x
|[ ChannelId1, ChannelId2 ]|
        ChannelId1 ? k
        ChannelId2 ? l
        ChannelId3 ? m
  • No communication over ChannelId1 is possible, since only one of the two processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over ChannelId1.

  • Communication over ChanneldId2 is possible, since both processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over ChannelId2. The variables x and l will have the same value after communication has occurred.

  • Communication over ChannelId3 is possible, since one of the two processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over another channel: ChannelId3. Of course, another process is needed to communicate with over ChannelId3.