Synchronized Channels Operator¶
processesSynchronizedChannels |
ProcessBehaviour “|[" channelName ("," channelName)\* "]|” ProcessBehaviour |
channelName |
process1 |[ ChanA, ChanB ]| process2
Each channel name must refer to a channel defined in the scope of this operator.
Describe the externally observable communication behaviour of the following instance of a synchronized channels operator.
ChannelId2 ? x
|[ ChannelId1, ChannelId2 ]|
ChannelId1 ? k
ChannelId2 ? l
ChannelId3 ? m
No communication over ChannelId1 is possible, since only one of the two processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over ChannelId1.
Communication over ChanneldId2 is possible, since both processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over ChannelId2. The variables x and l will have the same value after communication has occurred.
Communication over ChannelId3 is possible, since one of the two processes that are synchronized over ChannelId1 and ChannelId2 wants to communicate over another channel: ChannelId3. Of course, another process is needed to communicate with over ChannelId3.